Category Archives: Islamic Psychology

The Power Within: Harnessing Motivation and Spiritual Awakening (Part II)

by Yousra Elhawary PART II Bridging Motivation, Passion, and Peak PerformanceReaching peak performance isn’t just [...]

The Power Within: Harnessing Motivation and Spiritual Awakening

by Yousra Elhawary PART I Numerous thinkers in Psychology have contemplated the human motivational forces [...]

Curbing The Ego from an Islamic Perspective by Ustadh Kausar Tai

Summarized by Mazeedatulkhayr Yaqub One of the essential qualities of a believer is curbing the [...]

Reflection of Happiness on FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

by Fian Rizkyan Surya Pambuka Behavior FOMO or Fear of Missing Out is a term [...]


Perfectionism is a tendency to demand extremely high standards of performance and flawlessness from oneself [...]


آلام واضطرابات في عالم متحرك

“كل حي متحرك لا محالة، وكل ميت غير متحرك لا محالة” – الإمام الدارمي هل [...]

ISIP Lecture: Healing Trauma: The Story of the Beloved Rasulullah SAW

Self-care is a Sunnah, and the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasise the importance of [...]


Therapeutic nature of Dua (Prayer)

“Verily your Lord is Generous and Shy. If His servant raises his hands to Him [...]


Freudian Psycho-sexual Theory through the Lens of Islamic Perspectives

by Abubakar Haruna Introduction Psychosexual theory, originating from Sigmund Freud’s work, posits that human development [...]


Erickson’s Psycho-social Theory: An Islamic Perspective of the Theory

by Abubakar Haruna Introduction Psychosocial theory, pioneered by Erik Erikson, is a developmental theory that [...]