ISIP Lecture: Healing Trauma: The Story of the Beloved Rasulullah SAW

Self-care is a Sunnah, and the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasise the importance of self-care for the sacred work of caring for others. The human spirit thrives when tested with adversity, as seen in the inspirational story of Prophet SAW. He provided many ways to cope with trauma and manage stress. My focus is to humanise the prophet. His example serves as a clear roadmap for those retracing his footsteps and striving to be role models themselves. The Prophet SAW was a master of mending broken hearts and was keen on caring for people’s emotional affairs. Despite his numerous traumas, he remained a source of hope, joy, and inspiration for everyone around him.

Throughout the Quran, the sunnah and the seerah, we are reminded not to view Rasulullah as only a Prophet but to see the humanity in him that we can learn from. The Prophet {PBUH} was a true master of mending broken hearts. He was very keen on taking care of people’s emotional affairs. His trauma, and his bleeding wounds were too many, but he continued to be a source of healing to everyone. 

Some people would say “Can you pour from an empty cup? Can you really give what you have not received? Can you be a healer when you are still wounded?” Throughout his life, he exhibited and embodied that while continuing to emerge as a source of hope, joy and inspiration for everyone around him while living a life that consisted of pain and suffering.

Trauma, derived from the Greek, means wound, not broken. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration in the United States, trauma is a combination of three elements. 

  1. Events – what happened to you.
  2. Experience – what you understand by what happened to you, your perception.
  3. Effects- what are the impacts, the spiritual, biological, and psychosocial of what happened.

Trauma impacts our biological, psychological, social, and spiritual needs and should not be stigmatised or viewed as a weakness. The Quran and Sunnah serve as healing tools, but unacknowledged trauma can lead to psychic pain, moral injury, and soulache. If ignored, it can manifest into dysfunctional relationships, unhelpful coping, and personality styles. Trauma survivors often struggle to trust or feel safe around others.

 If stigma and cultural taboos keep the trauma story hidden, it can negatively impact individuals, families, and communities, potentially repeating the trauma cycle of neglect or abuse. Trans-generational trauma can cast shadows on the body, mind, heart, and soul, making survivors doubt their identity, self-worth, beauty, and full potential. It is crucial to acknowledge and support trauma survivors to prevent further negative impacts on individuals, families, and communities.

For the Prophet, trauma was like a privilege and so he openly received anything that was given to him – good and bad. He viewed it as a gift and received all the trials and tribulations with gratitude. He found a reason to turn every negative situation into something positive. 

In the Quran, chapter 67 (Surah Mulk), Allah emphasises the importance of grace and achieving Ihsaan status through trials and tribulations. Ihsaan, the highest status of Islam, is exemplified by Rasulullah SAW, who displayed compassion, kindness, eloquence, elegance, and grace in his life. Serving Allah’s creations is considered the best way to worship Him. 

Islam is a complete and comprehensive way of life, and the Quran and Sunnah are the two authentic sources of guidance that serve as the moral compass for its followers. Looking at the emotional expression – Allah was tending to people who are struggling emotionally. When He saw Rasulullah {SAW} restless, he ordered him to face the direction of the sacred house in Makkah during prayers. Allah {SWT} reminded the Prophet {PBUH} throughout the Quran of how merciful and forgiving He is towards those who commit sins out of ignorance. (Surah Zumar)

The Quran explicitly discussed that human emotions are to be expressed if they are done in a safe, healthy and halal way. The Quran is full of examples of anger, fear, sadness, joy and other human emotions.

Prophet Muhammad {PBUH} being a walking Quran, embodying the divine names and attributes of His lord, used to check on his companions, make sure everyone sleeps well and nobody in the ummah is forgotten. When you visit people who are sick, and you take care of people’s emotional needs, you will always find Allah there.

Stress management is a big topic in Islam. Stress can come from internal causes like past fears and future fears, or from external human and non-human causes like interpersonal violence and disasters like – fire, earthquakes etc. Sometimes, when we entertain negative and distorted thoughts or engage in self-loathing languages and behaviours, we are tangled in a web of trauma.

Throughout the life of Prophet Muhammad {PBUH}, he showed us how to control anger, display joy, express sorrow, and manage anxiety. One of the examples he gave is: When you feel angry, perform Wuduu with cold water. If you are standing, sit down. Pray 2 Rakah, recite adhkaar, make dua, and talk to somebody you trust. He was the safest place for people around him. 

In Islam, pain and suffering is not a punishment from Allah but rather a test to cleanse our sin and elevate our status in paradise. Islam teaches us that human life is sacred, that suicide is an act of desperation, that grief is a communal affair, that looking after people’s emotional needs is an act of charity, and that speaking up is courage. Allah wants us to seek His mercy and find other exits than suicide and self-harm.

Healing is holistic, there is no health without mental health, the “mentally ill” are valuable and are not to hide behind closed doors or suffer in silence. Safety- is not only physical, we must be safe – emotionally, sexually, financially, socially and spiritually.  A trauma-informed approach is healing-centred, culturally humble and respectful to people’s inner strengths and innate coping mechanisms.

The Prophet [PBUH} engaged in the practice of meditation and mindfulness. The best example was when – Khadeeja comforted him when he went to Cave Hira and the revelation came to him and his encounter with Jibreel which was very difficult for him. He went back to Khadeejah, and she covered him physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He was tortured when he and his Sahaabahs went public about Islam. He lost his three boys and he and his family were driven out of Makkah. He went to seek refuge at Taif, and he was stoned and beaten. He had the option to destroy them, but he said no out of mercy and forgiveness even for the people who caused him harm.

When he was tasting death, saying goodbye to his ummah was very difficult. He was very happy that the last thing the ummah was engaging in – was Salah. Make sure you maintain your connection with Allah just as how the prophet remained grateful to Allah during his trials. Allah (SWT) Himself was the Prophet’s {PBUH} therapist.

3 thoughts on “ISIP Lecture: Healing Trauma: The Story of the Beloved Rasulullah SAW

  1. Hanna says:

    Jazakillahu khayran for such an important subject Allahumma baarik. It is so beautiful to think of how much we can discover in our religion and how much help we can find in al Quran and sunnah alhamdulillah. Can we also think that the prophet (saws) was the best therapist? Allahumma baarik. One thought that come to my mind is the description of suicide, I thought we should think about it like something totally forbidden, not to let our minds come to this thought. Please clarify how to approach this subject in a Islamic way insh Allah. Barak Allahu fiikum

  2. Layla says:

    There seems to be a much higher level of violence against children in most of the Islamic countries than in the western countries (UNICEF reports, Wikipedia website about child corporal punishment laws). Authors like Victoria Rationi and Sultan Califi argue that a religion that demands obedience can easily lead to physical punishment – and later: the development of “authoritarian characters” (ref. to Adorno = obedient character – which makes it easier for authoritarian political leaders to succeed). I think these topics should be discussed more. Layla

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