Islamic Psychology: Man Behaviour and Experience from an Islamic Perspective – Author: Prof. G. Hussein Rassool
The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists – Author: Malik Badri
Islamic Psychology finds its roots in the Quranic worldview and Prophetic example as embodied by our beloved Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace. Islamic Psychology at its core is looking at the human being in a holistic manner and examines and approaches human behaviour, motivations, emotions, and healing through an Islamic lens. Islamic Psychology centres on the concept of the fitrah, the soul`s connection to Allah (God), and bringing the human being back in touch with the fitrah for true well-being. As represented in ISIP’s logo, the metaphysical components of the Ruh (soul), Aql (mind) Nafs (lower self) Qalb (heart) are key components of influence and study in Islamic Psychology. ISIP invites you to this small curated list of resources to help further your knowledge about what Islamic Psychology is and why it is important. For more learning and research, visit our Digital Library.
Islamic Psychology: Man Behaviour and Experience from an Islamic Perspective – Author: Prof. G. Hussein Rassool
The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists – Author: Malik Badri
Dr. Rasjid Skinner: What is Islamic Psychology?
Islamic Psychology in the 21st Century : Holistic Healing with Dr. Rania Awaad
Part 1: Introduction to Islamic Psychology by Positive Islamic Psychology-Malaysia
How to Integrate Psychology and Islamic Psychology – Dr. Recep Senturk
Islamic Psychology: Towards a 21st Century Definition and Conceptual Framework – Author: Carrie York Al-Karam
Traditions, Paradigms and Basic Concepts in Islamic Psychology – Author: Rasjid Skinner
Toward a Framework for Islamic Psychology and Psychotherapy: An Islamic Model of the Soul – Authors: Abdallah Rothman and Adrian Coyle
In the modern era, there has been two different approaches that Muslim psychologists have taken when trying to integrate Psychology and Islam. One could be summarized as the top-down approach where the existing foundation, made on principles of Western Psychology is then sprinkled over with some Islamic sayings, and finding how the Quran and ahadith may also illustrate and support examples in the approaches and theories that exist. This would be termed by some as the Islamization of Psychology. Another approach could be called the bottom-up approach, where the actual foundation is built and approached with an Islamic paradigm, so from the onset of creating any theories and treatments, the person’s soul and fitrah is seen as an integral part of the human being’s well-being, this can be called Islamic Psychology. Please read further about this in this article by Dr. Malik Badri (or listen to the audio recording of the article):