by Qusay Hussein
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
{O you who have believed, let no people mock another, perhaps they will be better than them}…because we live in a society that loses compassion and humanity because we live in a society that holds people accountable for mistakes they never committed because we live in a ruthless society. Their smile was taken away.
They are angels in human form. Who should have the authority to decide to prevent them from living like other humans just because they have special needs?
As if all their suffering is not enough for them, but society’s gawking burdens them further. It is as if they are not from the earth’s inhabitants, as if the earth is the monopoly of only one type of human being. Society does not view disability as a syndrome that has nothing to do with it, but rather as a contagious disease, perhaps a deficiency. Between merciless looks and lack of awareness, the rights of these angels are lost. Between looks of pity and fear, their lives are turned upside down.
In societies where some of its members still live in an old mentality that is not based on any logic or even a religious background, it remains difficult to accept people with special needs. They deal with any of them as a person of a lower degree, or as a person who has no future or ambition, a person who is incapable of life.
Between the love of parents and their shyness, some people with special needs collide with the mentality of their families before society at first. Despite the development that has taken place globally at all levels, some families’ interactions with their children remain limited to the thinking of society. Despite the great love that any family has for its “disabled” son, the great fear of people’s words still dominates their thinking and how they deal with people of determination. Instead of trying to integrate them into society, they resort to keeping them away from people out of fear for them, as they think it is the best way to protect them from human bullying. They are victims of society and their families, victims of families whose social, material and even psychological conditions prevented them from accepting this reality and adapting to the state of disability.
On the other side of the conversation, it is necessary to shed light on the families that deal with their members “with special needs” consciously and rationally, as they work hard to integrate them into society and provide them with appropriate special care.
Society’s reactions towards these angels are reflected in their lives, as it greatly affects the building of their personality and their acceptance of the society that has to accept them in return. Understanding people and treating them as normal as other human beings helps them to continue their lives in a better way.
They are not like other people, but much more beautiful than them. They are mercy and love. They are smiling and honest. They are far from a hypocritical society, most of which cannot accept them due to a lack of “society minds.” They are not nothing, or a folded page in a forgotten book. They are the hope for a better tomorrow, they are the angels of mercy and guardians of this land. Let them live in peace, they only deserve love and life. Their handicap is much purer and greater than the handicap of the minds and consciences of these ruthless societies
Thank you so much for sharing it.
A beautiful article which touches on the hardships and injustice that these angels face on a daily basis, not only from society but from their own family too ❤️🩹
جزاكم الله خيرا
Society’s reception of people with disabilities can vary widely depending on factors such as culture, location, and awareness. Ideally, society should be inclusive and supportive, recognizing the abilities and potential of individuals with disabilities. However, in practice, there can be a range of attitudes and behaviors, from acceptance and accommodation to discrimination and stigmatization. Efforts to promote inclusivity, accessibility, and awareness are essential for creating a more welcoming and equitable society for people with disabilities.
Very nice and very unfortunate. May we all give them the due comfort. Ameen.
Salaam. There are various types of disability. Very often the family, community or professional are unable to understand the disability and their various needs thus not able to enable the special needs. Genetic and Epigenetic factors need to be considered. Compassion and acceptance will lead to better care. Challenges that families faced also need to be addressed. It is highly multifaceted.
“they are the angels of mercy and guardians of this land.” this is so powerful i hope we reach to a day we are respected i come from a disability background with high myopia where i was bullied a lot in school, but now i grown out of it stronger and more intellectual and passionate and compassionate person.
These people are consider as dey don’t understand, don’t have emotion, no purpose in life and no use for society ..that’s y family or people around dem dey thing no use of education or providing any training to live life effectively..
Treated as dey are helplessness and can’t do anything so dey need to be depend on people .. its really unfortunate dey don’t have stand or place in mainstream school or outside society.. dey r being left out ..No one has time for this people ..people do trial and error with them whereas in.mianstream school we make sure dey are being given all and best education.. this is the world where we are living.
Children with physical handicaps are often much more beautifull than their peers because they discover the true value of life much earlier. Because of hardship they will mature early. With good guidance of their parents or caretakers, they can develop the most beautifull and resilient charactertraits.